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Monday, December 4, 2017

SCOOPS in Herbalife Malaysia

In Malaysia, Herbalife metrical practice is with level spoon, when you start a new F1 protein shake, using a knife to slit open the paper cover left 1/3 in the opening in aids of leveling every scoop we take. 

One level scoop approximately 8.2g, three level scoops = per serving (25-26g) 

Hence the amount of 2 heap spoons stated in the label is the same as 3 level scoops. Each Serving.

I prefer using three level scoops as I can play around with its flavour. 

2 scoops Chocolate + 1 strawberry = 👍🏻

2 scoops Tropical + 1 Chocolate = 👍🏻👍🏻

2 scoops Cappuccino + 1 strawberry = 👍🏻

1 scoop cookies + 1 Vanilla + strawberry = 👍🏻

2 scoops Cappuccino + 1 scoop chocolate = 👍🏻

2 scoops Mint Chocolate +1 scoop chocolate = 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

And many more, I wish you will enjoy playing with it!

Below is the measuring spoon comes with Mint Chocolate F1 from Vietnam. Which each heap spoon equivalent to approximately 12.5g 

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